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2018年12月18日 21:46  點(diǎn)擊:[]

序號(hào) 論文題目 期刊 作者 備注
1 MiRNA-31-5p   mediates the proliferation and apoptosis of human spermatogonial stem cells via targeting JAZF1 and Cyclin A2 Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids 何祖平,通訊作者 SCI論文,IF:5.66
2 Association   between Vegetable Consumption and Blood Pressure, Stratified by BMI, among   Chinese Adolescents Aged 13–17 Years: A National Cross-Sectional Study Nutrients 陽(yáng)益德(第一作者) https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/10/4/451
3 Gestational   weight gain in Chinese women -- results from a retrospective cohort in   Changsha, China BMC Pregnancy   Childbirth (ISSN:1471-2393) 黃昕(第一) https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-018-1833-y
4 Analysis   of the meiotic transcriptome reveals the genes related to the regulation of   pollen abortion in cytoplasmic male-sterile pepper (Capsicum   annuum L.) GENE 劉如石(通訊作者) SCI IF=2.2 第1作者單位和通訊作者單位均為湖南師范大學(xué)
5 In   situ enzymatic generation of gold for ultrasensitive amperometric sandwich   immunoassay of procalcitonin Biosensors and   Bioelectronics 劉如石(Co-通訊作者) SCI   IF=8.173 第1作者單位和通訊作者單位均為湖南師范大學(xué)
6 DFMG   attenuates the activation of macrophages induced by
    co?culture with LPC?injured HUVE?12 cells via the TLR4/MyD88/NF?κB   signaling pathway
7 DFMG   reverses proliferation and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells induced   by co-culture with injured vascular endothelial cells via suppression of the   TLR4-mediated signaling pathway MOLECULAR   MEDICINE REPORTS 叢麗/符曉華
8 Cerasomal   Lovastatin Nanohybrids for Efficient Inhibition of Triple-Negative Breast   Cancer Stem Cells To Improve Therapeutic Efficacy ACS Applied   Materials & Interfaces 宋柳江/鄧錫云 8.097
9 Nucleolar   stress: is there a reverse version? Journal of   Cancer 陸露/鄧錫云
10 Autophagy   and doxorubicin resistance in cancer Anticancer Drugs 陳超/鄧錫云
11 Screening   flavonoids and their synthetic analogs to target liver cancer stem-like cells Int J Clin Exp   Med 馬濤/任凱群
12 Folate   treatment of pregnant rat dams abolishes metabolic effects in female   offspring induced by a paternal pre-conception unhealthy diet Diabetologia 李健/Berthold   Hocher
13 Preparationand   Drug Release Study of Novel Nano-pharmaceuticals with Polysorbate 80 Surface   Adsorption. J of nanomaterials J of   nanomaterials XiaoJun Tao/Xing Feng
14 Serotype   survey of AAV gene delivery via subconjunctival injection in mice Gene Therapy Liujiang   Song 3.203
15 Evaluation   of the PEG Density in the PEGylated Chitosan Nanoparticles as a Drug Carrier   for Curcumin and Mitoxantrone Nanomaterials XiaoJun   Tao(通訊作者)
16 Novel   delivery of mitoxantrone with hydrophobically modified pullulan nanoparticles   to inhibit bladder cancer cell and the effect of nano-drug size on inhibition   efficiency Nanoscale   research letter xiaojun   Tao/xiaoping yang
17 TsOH?H2O-Mediated   N-amidation of Quinoline N-oxides: Facile and Regioselective Synthesis of   N-(quinolin-2-yl)amides. Org. Biomol.   Chem xinghua   chen/Chunlian He
18 Phenformin   alone or combined with geftinib inhibits bladder cancer via AMPK and EGFR   pathways Cancer   communication yangjun   Huang/xiaoping yang
19 Novel   application of metformin combined with targeted drugs on anticancer treatment cancer science jun   Deng/ xiaoping yang
20 Down‐regulation   of PKM2 enhances anticancer efficiency of THP on bladder cancer journal of   cellular and molecular medicine qiongli   Su /xiaoping yang
21 Down-regulation   of PKM2 decreases FASN expression in bladder cancer cells through   AKT/mTOR/SREBP-1c axis. journal of   cellular physiology ting   Tao/xiaoping yang
22 Co-culture   of ovarian cancer stem-like cells with macrophages induced SKOV3 cells   stemness via IL-8/STAT3 signaling Biomedicine   & Pharmacotherapy 崔迎紅/曹建國(guó)
23 Dural   effects of oxidative stress on cardiomyogenesis via Gata4 transcription and   protein ubiquitination Cell Death Dis 李濤/李濤,劉志強(qiáng)
24 Amyloid-β25-35   Upregulates Endogenous Neuroprotectant Neuroglobin via NFκB Activation in   vitro J Alzheimers Dis. 劉寧/王曉英
25 Neuroglobin   Regulates Wnt/β-Catenin and NFκB Signaling Pathway through Dvl1 Int J Mol Sci. 尋禹/劉寧,向雙林
26 Decreased   regulatory T?cell frequency and interleukin?35 levels in patients with   rheumatoid arthritis EXPERIMENTAL AND   THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE16: 5366-5372, 2018 張霞(第一作者) SCI
27 The   Study of mPEG-Icariin Nanoparticles for Treating Myocardial Ischemia Artificial Cells   Nanomedicine and Biotechnology XiaoJun   Tao(通訊作者)
28 Pullulan-Based   Nanoparticle-HSA ComplexFormation and Drug Release Influenced bySurface   Charge Nanoscale   Research Letters 袁立明/陶曉軍
29 The   bacterium Wolbachia exploits host innate immunity to establish a symbiotic   relationship with the dengue vector mosquito Aedes aegypti Nature旗下期刊The ISME Journal 潘曉玲   第一作者
30 Vasoactive   intestinal peptide overexpression mediated by lentivirus attenuates   lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice by inhibiting   inflammation Mol Immunol. 第一(孫國(guó)瑛) SCI
31 Gestational   stress induced differential expression of HDAC2 in male rat offspring   hippocampus during development Neuroscience   Research 通訊作者(周利紅) SCI
32 Association   between physical activity and health-related quality of life in elderly   individuals with pre-diabetes in rural Hunan Province, China: a   cross-sectional study BMJ Open 秦露露(通訊作者) https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/8/4/e019836.full?ijkey=JQN5xR43r2i9L43&keytype=ref
33 Fetal   But Not Maternal Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)-2 Gene Rs2074192   Polymorphism is Associated with Increased Risk of Being a Small For   Gestational Age (SGA) Newborn. Kidney Blood   Press Res He   Jing/Berthold Hocher
34 Urinary cGMP predicts major adverse renal events in patients with mild renal impairment and/or diabetes mellitus before exposure to contrast medium PLoS One Chaykovska L/Hocher B
35 Reference intervals for measured and calculated free 25-hydroxyvitamin D in normal
The Journal of   Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tsuprykov O/Hocher B
36 Clear the Fog around Parathyroid Hormone Assays: What Do iPTH Assays Really Measure? Clinical Journal of the American Society of   Nephrology Hocher B/Zeng S
37 Fetal Serum Metabolites Are Independently Associated with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Cellular   Physiology and Biochemistry Lu YP/Hocher B
38 Cord Blood Lysophosphatidylcholine 16: 1 is Positively Associated with Birth Weight Cellular   Physiology and Biochemistry Lu YP/Hocher B
39 MiR-663a   Stimulates Proliferation and Suppresses Early Apoptosis of Human   permatogonial Stem Cells by Targeting NFIX and Regulating Cell Cycle Molecular   Therapy-Nucleic Acids 何祖平,通訊作者 SCI論文,IF:5.66
40 Efficient   generation of functional haploid spermatids from human germline stem cells by   three-dimensional-induced system Cell Death and   Differentiaition 何祖平,通訊作者 SCI論文,IF:8.0
41 PAK1   Promotes the Proliferation and Inhibits Apoptosis of Human Spermatogonial   Stem Cells via PDK1/KDR/ZNF367 and ERK1/2 and AKT Pathways Molecular   Therapy-Nucleic Acids 何祖平,通訊作者 SCI論文:5.66


上一條:2018年度CSSCI論文發(fā)表報(bào)告 下一條:2017年度SCE/SSCI論文發(fā)表報(bào)告


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