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長期從事腫瘤干細(xì)胞靶向藥物的研發(fā)及作用機(jī)制、代謝重編程和腫瘤轉(zhuǎn)移的分子機(jī)制等研究。為國際上最早發(fā)現(xiàn)趨化因子受體翻譯后修飾與腫瘤轉(zhuǎn)移有關(guān)的研究者之一,且率先提出用天然化合物針對三陰性乳腺癌干細(xì)胞進(jìn)行靶向治療。主持國家自然科學(xué)基金4項(xiàng)以及湖南省自然科學(xué)基金等多項(xiàng)科研課題。主編英文版《三陰性乳腺癌》專著,由亞太地區(qū)規(guī)模最大的英文科技出版公司W(wǎng)orld Scientific Publishing出版;以第一作者或通訊作者在Blood、Clinical Cancer Research、Cancer Treatment Reviews、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Biomaterials Science、International Journal of Cancer、European Journal of Cancer等高影響因子雜志發(fā)表科研論文或綜述100余篇。






5.American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS)會員

6.American Association for Cancer Research(AACR)會員



9.Journal of Cancer(SCI雜志)編委

10.American Journal of Cancer Science高級編委

11.American Journal of Current Stem Cells高級編委

12.Cancer Cell & Microenvironment編委

13.Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutic Oncology (JCRTO)編委















1.Yi H#, LiY#,Tan Y#, Fu S*, Tang F*,Deng X*. Immune Checkpoint Inhibition for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Current Landscape and Future Perspectives.Frontiers in Oncology2021;DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2021.648139.(二區(qū),4.846分)

2.Zhang Q, Yi H, Yao H, Lu L, He G, Wu M, Zheng C, Li Y, Chen S, Li G, Tao X*, Fu S*,Deng X*. Artemisinin Derivatives Inhibit Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells Through Induction of ROS-dependent Apoptosis/Ferroptosis.Journal of Cancer2021;DOI:10.7150/jca.57054.

3.Yan S#, Tang D#, Hong Z, Wang J, Yao H, Lu L, Yi H, Fu S, Zheng C, He G, Zou H, Hou X, He Q, Xiong L*, Li Q*,Deng X*. CD133 peptide-conjugated pyropheophorbide-a as a novel photosensitizer for targeted photodynamic therapy in colorectal cancer stem cells.Biomaterials Science2021; DOI: 10.1039/D0BM01874K.(二區(qū),6.183分)

4.Yi H, Wu M, Zhang Q, Lu L, Yao H, Chen S, Li Y, Zheng C, He G,Deng X*. Reversal of HER2 Negativity: An Unexpected Role for Lovastatin in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells.Journal of Cancer2020; 11(13): 3713-3716.

5.Wu D, Chen Y, Wen S, Wen Y, Wang R, Zhang Q, Qin G, Yi H, Wu M, Lu L, Tao X*,Deng X*. Synergistically enhanced inhibitory effects of pullulan nanoparticle-mediated co-delivery of lovastatin and doxorubicin to triple-negative breast cancer cells.Nanoscale Research Letters2019; 14(1):314-325.

6.Zeng L,Deng X*, Zhong J, Yuan L, Tao X, Zhang S, Zeng Y, He G, Tan P, Tao Y*. Prognostic value of biomarkers EpCAM and αB-crystallin associated with lymphatic metastasis in breast cancer by iTRAQ analysis.BMC Cancer2019; 9(1):831-841.

7.Song L, Tao X, Lin L, Chen C, Yao H, He G, Zou G, Cao Z, Yan S, Lu L, Yi H, Wu D, Tan S, Ouyang W, Dai Z*,Deng X*. Cerasomal Lovastatin Nanohybrids for Efficient Inhibition of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells to Improve Therapeutic Efficacy.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2018; 10(8):7022-7030.(一區(qū),8.097分)

8.Lu L, Yi H, Chen C, Yan S, Yao H, He G, Li G, Jiang Y, Deng T,Deng X*. Nucleolar stress: is there a reverse version?Journal of Cancer2018; 9(20): 3723-3727.

9.Chen C, Lu L, Yan Y, Yi H, Yao H, Wu D, He G, Tao X,Deng X*. Autophagy and Doxorubicin Resistance in Cancer.Anticancer Drugs2018; 29(1):1-9.

10.Yao H, He G, Yan S, Chen C, Song L, Rosol TJ,Deng X*. Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Is There a Treatment on the Horizon?Oncotarget2017; 8(1):1913-1924.

11.He J, Xiong L, Li Q, Lin L, Miao X, Yan S, Hong Z, Yang L*, Wen Y*,Deng X*. 3D modeling of cancer stem cell niche.Oncotarget. 2017 Aug 3;9(1):1326-1345.

12.Zeng L, Zhong J, He G, Li J, Zhou W, Liu W, Zhang Y, Huang S, Liu Z,Deng X*. Identification of Nucleobindin-2 as a Potential Biomarker for Breast Cancer Metastasis Using iTRAQ-based Quantitative Proteomic Analysis.Journal of Cancer2017; 8(15):3062-3069.

13.Peng Y, He G, Tang D, Xiong L, Wen Y, Miao X, Hong Z, Yao H, Chen C, Yan S, Lu L, Yang Y, Li Q*,Deng X*. Lovastatin inhibits cancer stem cells and sensitizes to chemo- and photodynamic therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Journal of Cancer2017; 8(9):1655-1664.

14.Yao H, He G, Chen C, Yan S, Lu L, Song L, Vijayan KV, Li Q, Xiong L, Miao X,Deng X*. PAI1: a novel PP1-interacting protein that mediates human plasma's anti-apoptotic effect in endothelial cells.Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine2017; 21(9):2068-2076.(二區(qū),4.499分)

15.Yang T, Yao H, He G, Song L, Liu N, Wang Y, Yang Y, Keller ET,Deng X*. Effects of Lovastatin on MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells: An Antibody Microarray Analysis.Journal of Cancer2016; 7(2):192-199.(三區(qū),3.609分)

16.Deng X, Cao Y, Huby MP, Duan C, Baer L, Peng Z, Kozar RA, Doursout MF, Holcomb JB, Wade CE, Ko TC*. Adiponectin in fresh frozen plasma contributes to restoration of vascular barrier function after hemorrhagic shock.Shock2016; 45(1):50-54.

17.Li H, He G, Yao H, Song L, Zeng L, Peng X, Rosol TJ,Deng X*. TGF-β Induces Degradation of PTHrP Through Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.Journal of Cancer2015; 6(6):511-518.

18.Deng X, He G, Liu J, Luo F, Peng X, Tang S, Gao Z, Lin Q, Keller JM, Yang T*, Keller ET*. Recent Advances in Bone-Targeted Therapies of Metastatic Prostate Cancer.Cancer Treatment Reviews2014; 40(6):730-738.(一區(qū),8.589分)

19.Yang T, Liu J, Luo F, Lin Q, Rosol TJ,Deng X*. Anti-cancer properties of Monascus metabolites.Anticancer Drugs2014; 25(7):735-744.

20.Deng X, Cao Y, Liu Y, Li F, Sambandam K, Rajaraman S, Perkins AS, Fields AP, Hellmich MR, Townsend CM Jr, Thompson EA, Ko TC*. Overexpression of Evi-1 oncoprotein represses TGF-β signaling in colorectal cancer.Molecular Carcinogenesis2013; 52(4):255-264.(二區(qū),4.185分)

21.Deng X*, He G, Levine A, Cao Y, Mullins C. Adenovirus-mediated Expression of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in Bone Inhibits the Growth of Human Prostate Cancer.International Journal of Cancer2008; 122(1):209-218.(一區(qū),6.513分)

22.Deng X, Tannehill-Gregg S, Nadella MVP, He G, Levine A, Rosol TJ*. Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein and Ezrin Are Up-regulated in Human Lung Cancer Bone Metastases.Clinical & Experimental Metastasis2007; 24(2):107-119.

23.Deng X*, Bhagat S, Dong Z, Mullins C, Chinni SR, Cher M. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cells and confers increased sensitivity to paclitaxel.European Journal of Cancer2006; 42(18):3267-3273.(一區(qū),6.029分)

24.Hu J#,Deng X#, Bian X, Li G, Tong Y, Li Y, Wang Q, Xin R, He X, Zhou G, Xie P, Li Y, Wang JM, Cao Y*. The expression of functional chemokine receptor CXCR4 is associated with the metastatic potential of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Clinical Cancer Research2005; 11(13):4658-4665.(一區(qū),9.619分)

25.Deng X, Kim M, Vandier D, Jung YJ, Rikiyama T, Sgagias MK, Goldsmith M, Cowan KH*. Recombinant adenovirus-mediated p14(ARF) overexpression sensitizes human breast cancer cells to cisplatin.Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications2002; 296(4):792-798.

26.Deng X, Ueda H, Su SB, Gong W, Dunlop NM, Gao JL, Murphy PM, Wang JM*. A synthetic peptide derived from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120 downregulates the expression and function of chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 in monocytes by activating the 7-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor FPRL1/LXA4R.Blood1999; 94(4):1165-1173.(一區(qū)(Top期刊),15.132分)


1.Deng X, Tang F, Rosol TJ (Editors):Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2020 (ISBN 978-981-3277-75-5)


2.Deng X*: “Triple-negative breast cancer.” InBreast Cancer.Berlin (Germany): Avid Science, 2016, pp1-33.


3.Deng X*, Dai J, Keller ET: “Bone-targeted therapies of metastatic prostate cancer.” InAdvances in Prostate Cancer.Berlin (Germany): Avid Science, 2016, pp1-47.


4.陶永光、鄧錫云:核酸分析技術(shù)。曹亞主編:實(shí)用分子生物學(xué)操作指南人民衛(wèi)生出版社2003. p.70-129.


Deng X, Tang F, Rosol TJ (Research Topic Editors): Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Heterogeneity, Tumor Microenvironment and Targeted Therapy.Frontiers in Oncology2021








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